The Classroom Formula

Mastering Classroom Management and Empowering Teachers for Success


A book by Ramez Takawy


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Develop confidence by creating a positive mindset to help you gain control of your classroom.




Learn actionable strategies and tools to create a positive learning environment.



Learn how to have a healthier lifestyle to avoid stress and teacher burnout.


You’re just a few steps away from a happier and more fulfilled teaching career.
Join the Waitlist and purchase the e-book for only $0.99 when it becomes available in July!
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From Dr. Andrew Shipe, State Journalism Teacher of the Year

Mr. Ramez is passionate about helping students and teachers learn and make their world a better place.  "The Classroom Formula" provides a resource for teachers to transform their teaching careers. 

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What readers had to say


Your blunt take combined with firsthand experience is EXACTLY what new teachers need to hear!  If they can follow this sage advice, it would go a very long way in preventing them from feeling overwhelmed—thereby prevent them from throwing in the towel.”

-Michelle Ruhe, K-5 Literacy Coach


The Classroom Formula’ is an excellent reference for new teachers. Mr. Ramez provides concrete suggestions for structuring an inviting classroom space and gives real-world suggestions for developing lessons that connect with students. Keep this close at hand as a reference.

-Dr. Jennifer Freeland, Professor of Education (retired), Florida Atlantic University


The Classroom Formula is a playbook for success in the classroom that anyone, at any level, regardless of experience, can pick up and learn from. Drawing from personal experiences in the classroom and supported by expert educators from across the world and profession, Mr. Ramez takes the reader through a full-scale journey of what one should (and should not) do to find success in the classroom.”

-Dr. E. Scott England, Assistant Professor of Education Leadership, University of Maryland Eastern Shore

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